󰀒 02 456 923

Greek Labour Law consists of a constantly changing legislative framework. The legislation is quite complex and a continuous updating of the upcoming modifications is required.

Our Office has developed a strong experience and expertise in handling labour law cases offering consulting services on various issues concerning labour legislation to employees, employers, natural and legal persons. Our experience in offering legal advice on labour law cases has allowed us to gain a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and provide ideal and efficient support.
Our legal services focus, inter alia, on the following:

  • Employment contracts, non-compete clauses etc., mixed contracts, contracts involving elements of foreign law etc., – private and public sector contracts.
  • Termination of employment contracts, individual or collective, and respective compensations.
  • Restructuring process, Voluntary withdrawal plan.
  • Protected employees, leave of absence and maternity leave.
  • Internal Working Regulations.
  • Part-time and temporary employment.
  • Health and safety issues.
  • Audits.
  • Social security and pension issues.
  • Court Cases.

Our Office specializes also in accident at work compensation claims.
Greek and foreign employees who suffer personal injury due to an accident during or in association with their employment, resulting to their temporary or permanent disability and inability to work, shall be entitled under the Greek legislation, in most cases, to:

  • health care and cover of medical expenses
  • pension from the competent national social security fund in cases of permanent, partial or total disability, and
  • compensation from their employer for pain and suffering when the accident can be attributed to negligence/fault on the part of the employer or their employees and agents.

Damages to be recovered and the amount of compensation greatly depend on the establishment of liability (fault/negligence) on the part of the employer and/or their employees and agents, and on the evidence that the accident was caused in violation of the national, European or international regulations on employees’ health and safety.

All the aforementioned also apply in cases where death is caused and a compensation for mental anguish shall be received by the deceased person’s close relatives.

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